Creating a character
Playing the game
Creating a character
Playing the game
By order of Anton Tisag, Archscribe and Guardian of Magic — Founder of Ytic
You have been cordially invited to the annual Banquet
At the Manor of the Archscribe
Starting 19:00, Midsummer's Eve
Welcome to the world of Ad Nauseam! The GM team hope that you will enjoy exploring Ytic, and welcome you to submit a character creation sheet if you want to jump in. Please feel free to shoot any questions to Ad Nauseam GM team.
Here's the planned schedule for Ad Nauseam (note the break in weeks 8 and 9 for exams). Every session is planned to take place at 7:00pm for three hours.
Session | Date |
Character creation | Tuesday 2nd July |
Session 1 | Tuesday 9th July |
Session 2 | Tuesday 23rd July |
Session 3 | Tuesday 6th August |
Session 4 | Tuesday 20th August |
Session 5 | Tuesday 3rd September |
Session 6 | Tuesday 17th September |
Session 7 | Tuesday 1st October |
Debrief | Thursday 10th October |
Ad Nauseam is a game about a city called Ytic. Ytic is a city for scribes, including yourself. It is a safe refuge for everyone to practice magic or just try and live a normal life, away from the eternal threat of an ending at the behest of those outside. There are variations of magic skills in this world, but there is one fundamental rule: they come from Gods. Each capability that one can gain is no more than the work of the four who serve as the fundamental basis of any such world. The paths that scribes walk in this world often represent their view on how they face the end.
Ad Nauseam aims to give the player a world to explore this idea, alongside many others. You start at the Archscribe's banquet, where there will inevitably be disputes between citizens of Ytic, and it will be up to you to decide how to proceed. If you make a mistake on your first go, worry not as Ad Nauseam is set in a setting that bears no significance. This means that you will have chances to make amends, test limits, and discover things which normally you wouldn't be able to.
We aim to provide something for every player in Ad Nauseam, and hope that being stuck in a stagnated Ytic for a while allows you to try some of everything.
Scripture will take place in 3 parts:
An important first thing to note if you're not from here: this is the beginning of an arduous path to the truth.
There's a secret here, and you may wish to discover it before everything ends. Read through this page and find the next step in this journey - it will be a key to return you back to the place you came from.
As GMs, we would be delighted to see players peel back the veneer, but would like to assure you that many barriers will stand between you and the truth. You are always welcome to email the GM Team with any questions or concerns you may have, albeit there is little guidance that we will provide once Scripture is underway. We hope you enjoy.
The first piece of the next step in your path is a very precious thing
The second piece of the next step to your path is a single word to tell of that which has been given an end
Put the pieces together, and you will have your key, one that will lead you in ways that you have been led before, to find the secrets I have left for you
Return back to the world you have made your home and there your will find your next step.
A journey that will end at the final truth