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News Turn 6

The Blue Jay Strikes Again!

Three days ago, the lady thief promised to relieve Nilsatis of their prized sapphire crown. And as is well known: when the Blue Jay makes a promise, she keeps it! During this afternoon a few bystanders witnessed the sudden exit of the Blue Jay from Nilsatis' house in her typical, stylish, azure coat. Witnesses swear they saw the crown gleaming in her hand as she dodged and weaved between the rooves of the city. Due to the ongoing evacuation effort, nobody saw where she may have went afterwards. Back to her lair? Or perhaps onto a greater even more daring heist? After consulting some officers that have spent years chasing after her, we have determined that she would likely have also attempted to empty out the Sun or the Archmage's mansion. What precious treasures has she managed to acquire this time around?

- Extract from The Winged Words

Daily life in the military

Jackson is known to many as the glue of the Sanctuary. Many grounders believe that the Sanctuary would fall apart without his leadership in the military. What does Jackson’s daily life look like though? We had a journalist spend a whole day with Jackson to get the inside scoop:

6:00am, wake up
7:00am, start admin of replying to letters
8:00am, meeting with Frank about preventing crime in the Outer Sanctuary
9:00am, daily rounds of the Outer Sanctuary
12:00pm, lunch, home grown beet sandwich
12:30pm, speaking with a business man known as Merx
1:00pm, meeting with Tom to gauge the situation at the perimeter
2:00pm, sending out officers to assist with the evacuation effort
6:00pm, gathering a squad of tough-looking officers and heading to the central square
6:30pm, dinner, home grown vegetable ratatouille
8:00pm, either a peaceful night or visiting the Level Head

-Extract from In The Loop

Fashion, what not to wear to a Banquet

We all know the Archmage’s banquet is coming up, which means there’s another chance to flaunt your wardrobe to some of the biggest names in the Sanctuary. By following our advice, you’ll be so dazzling even Nullapretium will have no choice but to submit in total awe and admiration. Step 1: No squids. Now, we all at some point went through that phase where you dress up as a sea creature, but it should be pretty clear by now that it is not an appropriate choice of dress for any occasion. We saw one poor fellow dressed up as a squid - impressive make up, still did not look good. Step 2: No monkeys. Okay, so this piece of advice is a little more literal. You shouldn't try dressing up as a monkey (that's basically the same as going in naked and hairy), but the main point is that you shouldn't be bringing any monkeys into the banquet. About a decade ago someone made that mistake, trying to pull off a beast tamer look, but the banquet just ended up descending into chaos. We've heard rumours of monkeys prowling around the Sanctuary. Don't be fooled by their cute appearance - they are a menace to any banquet. Step 3: Actually show up. We've heard the announcement and we do not approve of it. The Sanctuary has stood tall for more than a century now and neither monsters nor natural disasters will bring it down. A slightly bigger monster wave and a little wind shouldn't be reason to miss the great annual celebration of our Sanctuary, which has provided us protection for so many years.

- Extract from the Winged words

Monsters successfully repelled

At roughly 7:00am this morning several monsters managed to reach the barrier, close to where a group of people were hosting some morning yoga. They acted quickly, alerting the hunters. Fortunately for these people, the legendary Fen and Hen came to help and the monsters were quickly repelled. “It was a like a dream come true, Fen is so cool! I would get attacked by monsters every day if it meant I could hang out with them!”, said one of the bystanders. “We don’t often get attacks this early but fortunately for everyone here there weren’t enough Flying Manes to break through. This evening, however, we expect a massive wave of monsters to arrive, which we may not be able to handle. All civilians that aren't helping with the evacuation or defence effort should be heading down into the caverns for protection.” was Hen’s advice to the public.

-Extract from In The Loop


Both the Hunters and the military have made an official call for evacuation into the caverns. The following announcement was made in the central square today:
“Dear citizens of the Sanctuary. This is an official announcement sanctioned by the Hunters and military. The Sanctuary currently faces a grave threat that may spell its destruction. The Archmage has cast a powerful spell that has led to a select few individuals, including myself, returning back to the beginning of this day every time this day ends while keeping all of our memories intact. This has allowed us to observe the course of future events and determine an appropriate response. The danger the Sanctuary faces takes two forms: A large wave of monsters and a tornado, both heading for the Sanctuary. We have determined that it is impossible to completely nullify these threats, so instead it has been decided that citizens will evacuate into the caverns below the Sanctuary. The area below is clearly habitable as a moderately sized group of individuals has already lived there for a long time and may serve as a perfect refuge from the natural disaster heading towards us. Please follow the directions of the nearby Hunters and officers to head into the caverns below via the fountain. There is limited space below, so try to only take essential supplies.”
The effort is still ongoing. Please do listen to the announcement and any orders from your local authorities for your own safety. We ourselves will be moving into the caverns carrying nothing but the most essential of items. As this may be the last issue of our newspaper in a while, we want to thank you all for reading our newspaper and wish you all a safe evacuation.

-Extract from In The Loop

The Deep Circus is recruiting!

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

 A grand performance has been made
 Yet you my gift rejected
 To not have made a new companion, I'm dismayed
 But an artist's will must be respected

-In the ad section of every newspaper

news/6.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/28 14:10 by gm_ivan