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News Turn 2

The Blue Jay Strikes Again!

Three days ago, the lady thief promised to relieve Nilsatis of their prized sapphire crown. And as is well known: when the Blue Jay makes a promise, she keeps it!
During this afternoon's chaos, when several houses floated away - including poor Nilsatis' - dozens of bystanders witnessed the sudden exit of the Blue Jay, in her typical, stylish, azure coat. Witnesses swear she dove straight down from the mansion as it floated higher and higher, the crown gleaming in her hand. Many tried to follow her, but so far we have not heard any report on their progress. Most likely, the Blue Jay wins again!

- Extract from The Winged Words

Daily life in the military

Jackson is known to many as the glue of the Sanctuary. Many grounders believe that the Sanctuary would fall apart without his leadership in the military. What does Jackson’s daily life look like though? We had a journalist spend a whole day with Jackson to get the inside scoop:

6:00am, wake up
7:00am, start admin of replying to letters
8:00am, meeting with Frank about preventing crime in the Outer Sanctuary
9:00am, daily rounds of the Outer Sanctuary
11:00 am, meets with Rennyn the Wanderer
12:00pm, lunch, home grown beet sandwich
12:30pm, meets with mysterious hunter we believe is called Caliban
1:00pm, daily rounds of the Inner Sanctuary
4:00pm, meeting with Tom to gauge the situation at the perimeter
5:00pm, sending out the final letters of the day, mainly complains about floating houses
6:30pm, dinner, home grown vegetable ratatouille
8:00pm, either a peaceful night or visiting the Level Head

The Custodians cause chaos

Earlier today a masked revolutionary attracted a crowd where the houses take root, giving a riling speech before cutting a few houses loose. Some bystanders said this scene made them “sad to see a floating house wasted like that”, and “frustrated that the Custodians are trying to take the beauty of magic from us”. The military arrived shortly after the cutting began, but it seems the assumed Custodian made it away without getting caught. The military refused to comment on their lack of success given they consider it an active investigation.

-Extract from The Winged Words

Fashion, what not to wear to a Banquet

We all know the Archmage’s banquet is coming up, which means there’s another chance to flaunt your wardrobe to some of the biggest names in the Sanctuary. By following our advice, you’ll be so dazzling even Nullapretium will have no choice but to submit in total awe and admiration. Step 1: NO PINEAPPLE SHIRTS: we’re pretty sure a pineapple is just some crazy magic invention, but what we’re more sure about is that shirts with it on are -10/10 Step 2: NO SHOES. Need I elaborate? Everyone knows that the best fashion choice is one that leaves others speechless. Do so by sliding it into the banquet with just your socks.. Step 3: BABY BLUE is the new black. Step 4: NO MONSTERS: I mean, I feel like this is pretty self explanatory but some guy outside my window just started shouting there’ll be a “Rhosyn” at the Banquet, whatever that is, so I guess don’t do bring any monsters along.

- Extract from the Winged words

Monsters successfully repelled

At roughly 7:00am this morning several monsters managed to reach the barrier, close to where a group of people were hosting some morning yoga. They were about to alert the hunters, when some already started arriving! Fen and Hen, alongside several other hunters easily repelled the attack. “It was a like a dream come true, Fen is so cool! I would get attacked by monsters every day if it meant I could hang out with them!”, said one of the bystanders. “That masked man fighting off 4 of those flying beasts on his own was so heroic!”, said another. “We advise every civilian to try and stay away from the Perimeter today and warn the Hunters immediately should you see any suspicious activity.” was Hen’s advice to the public.

-Extract from In The Loop

The Deep Circus is recruiting!

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Flyer attached:

 Circus, Circle, Cycle
  At the mouth of the river you stand, quill in hand.             This world is in an unbroken circle 
  The Serpent hisses, the Sun watches. “Who comes? Who goes?”     the Deep Circus seeeks to break
  “Who comes? Who goes?” You question, quill in hand.             You wil know we speak the truth
  “It matters not,” Laughs the Ourobororos.                       for the Sun shall be still in the sky this 
  Rain clouds gather above the towers of sand.                                                           day
  By the feet of the tower you stand, brush in hand. 
  The Serpent a crescent smile, the Sun a chamomile. “Who comes? Who goes?”
  “Who comes? Who goes?” You ponder, brush in hand.
  “We return,” Speaks the Ourobobororos.                            The Great Serpant will reset the world
  Upon broken stones, a garland.                                    Join us in the Centrael Square
                                                                    when te floating houses fly away.
  Under torn canopies you stand, chisel in hand. 
  The Serpent a destiny, the Sun history. “Who comes? Who goes?”             Bring mineral water.
  “Who comes? Who goes?” You shudder, chisel in hand.
  “You are back,” Sighs the Ourobobororosor.
  Painted eyes weep a river, they understand.
  At the mouth of the river you stand, quill in hand.
  At the mouth of the Serpent you stand.
  In the shadow of the Sun you stand.
  “Who comes? Who goes?” You whisper. 
  The Ourobobororosoros does not answer. 
  “Remember yet, your father’s face, and your mother’s voice.”

-In the ad section of every newspaper

news/2.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/17 09:59 by gm_connor