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Wolfgang Greenleaf

A Conversationalist

“So I've learned a lot about this place… but I still don't know much about you, my friend. Would you like to tell me more about you?”

You sense a sorrow that was once deeper, records of a chasm that once could swallow seas that has been levelled by the passage of time, fossils of despair that are now placed in glass jars to be observed and admired.

“I'm sorry about that. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. After all, I'll be here forever.”

You sense contemplation, the curiosity of a child staring at a dissolving snowflake, the intelligence of an alchemist faced with an obstacle.

You learn that you may make yourself into a vessel, an instrument, through which other voices may flow. The result would likely contain the consequence, which is your temporary possession whenever you are being utilised thusly.

“An instrument? Possession? What an fascinating idea!”

So a spell was cast, more experiments in the place between life and death, more dabbling in matters beyond the mortal realm, not hurting any, unknown to all but those present.

“Has it worked?”

“It has.”

“Oh, that was… interesting.”

“Indeed it is.”

“Ha, it seems I can now hold a conversation with myself. This should make our eternity a little more amusing, right?”

“I would think so. Thank you, Wolfgang.”

The Coffee Stall by the Threshold

In the gray expanse that does not exist anywhere, a Wish was made.

“Would you like some coffee? Take your time. We don't have that much - but we have some.” Every soul that passes through the threshold is greeted by a kind man, standing by a coffee stall, offering the best (and last) coffee they'll ever have.

In time, all those he had known in life passed through. Families and friends and acquintances, those that also visited this place with him in the strange reoccuring day so many, many years ago. They have all changed, aged. He remains the same. He will always remain the same.

Some of them were surprised to see him. Some have seen so much it would appear nothing surprises them anymore. Some would sit and chat, recounting each other's tales, marveling at the strange turns of fate. Some merely enjoy the coffee before nodding goodbye. Whoever it is, the barista tries to provide them with some small comfort and calmness. Whoever it is, the interaction always feels a little shorter than it could have been, a last word unsaid, a last tear unshed, a tiny dissatisfaction that makes the heart aches just a little.

A small cost, for a simple Wish.

A Project for an Eternity

It's never exactly lonely in the void. After all, new souls arrive so often, and you have colleagues. There's the presence, who is now able to chat to you from time to time, and there's Death.

The ferryer of souls, who accompanies every soul and shepherds it into the beyond with great diligence. A strange avian being of sharp beak and empty eyes, who speaks the human tongue but rarely does.

You're fairly certain this one is new to the job, just like you are to your position. You check with the presence just in case and receive an affirmation.

“Busy day?” You ask, as Death arrives for the seven-hundred-and-twenty-one time in short successions. You're not quite sure how long it has been exactly outside - time moves differently here (or in a sense, doesn't really move here), but it felt like it was a short time.

Death stares at you with its empty eye sockets.

“Coffee?” You offer.

It takes off with a sudden flap of its wings and you know it's off to the physical world again.

After another few hundreds of conversations, you finally see Death standing still. You offer it another cup, this time it accepts.

Progress. You smile.

You chat with it idly - mostly it's you doing the talking, it seems to be vigilant and aware, but you're not sure to what - before it takes off again. The figure, as it disappears, stirs something in your memories. You feel like you have seen this before, a similar figure turning away from you in the void, after some chatter about something… And then it connects.

Ah, of course. Your colleague in death is Trixie! You make a note to catch up with it about old times next time it's on break. It seems to have changed a lot and doesn't open up much, but you're sure you can get through. You've even managed to make the presence open up a bit, after all.

eternity/wolfgang_greenleaf.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/05 10:07 by gm_cynthia