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No Cost Too Great


No cost too great


  • Gain whatever you most desire


  • Lose whatever you most hold dear


  • This Spell can be used once
  • This Spell can only be used after prior discussion with a GM (whether it be planned to be used in uptime or downtime)

How is it learned?

  • Few even know of this spell, fewer yet of how to learn it. All that can really be said about it, is that it requires a deeper understanding of equivalence than any other spell. Perhaps it is best to ask an archmage about this, or at least someone close to an archmage.

The First Sanctuary

Twenty dead this time around. The walls have been broken apart. We await our deaths, exhausted. The onslaught of beasts is unending - they are far stronger than we are. This world was not made for us, but instead for them. The trees stretch high into the sky for centuries, yet our houses stand tall for no longer than a few months. It cannot continue like this. I will not let it continue like this. My people deserve a place to live.

Desire - to create refuges where mankind may remain safe from monsters.
Cost - the transformation of the rest of the world into a hostile place, fit only for monsters to live in.


Nobody listened. History repeated itself. Our homes were burned, our secrets plundered. Our city was razed to the ground and we will be forgotten. Even by me… my records, gone, my memories, fading… History for its own sake, remembrance for its own sake - this, I vow to - I care no who will learn, but I will remember. I will not forget. Oblivion is true death and I will defy that. So long as I remember, they are preserved, our nation, our lore, our lives. I will not forget. Nothing shall ever be forgotten again.

Desire - to ensure that nothing is ever forgotten again, creating the void.
Cost - to be forgotten by all but themselves.

The Eternal Performance

Why must our little circus end?
The joys these acts brought to a friend,
The smiles we brought to people's faces!
Why have we have fallen from time's graces?

We've weathered wars and blazing fires,
Not even beasts could tame our grand desires!
Yet still death comes,
The endless throng of timeless drums.

But I refuse its call.

Desire - to make it so that the Deep Circus lasts forever.
Cost - to never be able to die.


The world is cruel, and crueler still are those who live in it. Beasts hunger, and so they kill. It is the fate of every beast to be eaten just as it eats. Such is the way of the world, such is balance. Yet they, those people, defy it. They hunt and slaughter far more than they could eat. They build walls in fear of the balance, they refuse to be eaten. Not even their bodies are returned to the forest. I feel the slowing breath, the fading warmth, the bristling fur of my old friend. He was killed, yet it was not a fair death. Why can they adapt, why can he not? It is not fair. Let them also learn and adapt, just as we do -

Desire - to make it so that their beasts could adapt and learn to survive, just as humans do, creating the Tempus.
Cost - the beasts would be weak and only adapt upon coming close to death.


My castles towered into the sky, my books were known to all, my inventions used by everyone. Yet now the towers crumble, the books forgotten, the inventions made obsolete. And soon I will be gone too. There shall be no marking that I can call my own left on this world. I raise my hand and ask, beg, the world to leave but one thing. Allow just one creation to become indelible, known to all, let it outlive generations and empires. And so my Wish is granted with my dying breath. As all sensation fades, I see the flickering of light, the falling of coloured sands.

Desire - to ensure that their creation lasts forever.
Cost - the creation that lasts forever is glitter.

The Sanctuary

I stand before her. Thysia barely moves these days. I've asked her so many times to simply let me heal her, but she refuses. She'd never want to be healed at the cost of hurting another. What an ironic couple we are - one who would sacrifice anything for their ideal, and the other who refuses to sacrifice anything but herself. I can see it in her eyes, the burning desire to have the dying embers of her life be used for our dream. My faces is drenched in grief as I raise my hand and close my eyes. I give in. She always was more obstinate than me.

Desire - to create a place that would keep mages safe from the outside world.
Cost - that place would inevitably be destroyed.

To Greater Heights

Perhaps if 'worded' right the both of us could rise above what too many have accepted as the height of magic. I smile at him. Lilsahr has helped so much to attain this very moment. There is nothing I would not give for our dream. I hold his hand as I go to finally cast the spell. I feel… strange. What are these memories, are they mine. What is happening? Who am I? I am Lils… no I'm Lun… no. What… what am I? I open my eyes. Before me is only rubble, fire and screams… and a red-haired girl.

Desire - for both of them to become more powerful than an Archmage, becoming somewhat immune to the effects of Wishes and merging the two together.
Cost - the destruction of the city they spent their life in.

Ad Nauseam

Was her death for nothing? Did I not care for her enough? No! I there will be time for such musings later. I will not let our dream, our Sanctuary be destroyed due to my mistakes! Lilsahr was right. There can be only one thing that could go against a Wish - another Wish. I see Cassandra scream at me to do something. The both of us will die in this snake's stomach if I do not. So many will die and the Sanctuary will be no more. I close my eyes and cast it.

“It is done.”

Desire - to permanently prevent the destruction of the Sanctuary.
Cost - knowledge of magic would be erased.


Must protect. Must change. Wind has brought me pain. Wind has brought Trixie pain. Wolf cannot change. Others cannot change. I can change. Change enough to kill wind. I fear. I want. I Wish. And there is no more wind. Happiness. I am happy. Must run, run to tell Trixie, run to tell Wolf.

Desire - to end the tornado.
Cost - everything around it would come to its end.

The Perfect Home

In my mind, a city unfurls like a painting, a symphony, a dream come true, beautiful and perfect and safe and everything that I could ever hope for and I know that city now exists.

Just as instantaneously I feel the world around me dull and wane, the clothes of the crowd before me losing their colour, the sky pales. Even as I try to remember the vision of that city I just created, the memory frays and distorts.

“My Wish is made.” I leave the crowd to their confusion and retreat to my mansion.

Desire - to create a beautiful and safe home.
Cost - everything that she perceives would cease to be beautiful.


The evacuation failed. The mantises are still there, the tornado remains on its way and who knows what other dangers await. The portal you opened did not remain so for long enough and people didn't go through when you told them. There is no longer any choice. You have to. For the safety of your friends, of everyone.

“I'm really sorry. And tell Fig I'm sorry too… Goodbye everyone. Good luck.”

Desire - to move everyone in the Sanctuary to the new Sanctuary.
Cost - everything that is around her would be doomed for destruction.

Midsummer apocalypse

I have to preserve magic. It's what Lilsahr would have wanted. It's what I want. I have to make sure it persists, to make sure… to make sure that such a community can exist. But no, a village is too little. Let the whole world be that community! Let everyone have magic and rejoice in it! Let it be paradise! For this, no cost too great.

Desire - to create a community where everyone can use magic freely 3 years hence.
Cost - she forget magic immediately and will never again believe in magic; in 3 years time she would bear the cost required by every spell until she has nothing more to give.

I Am Become Death

I shed my skin alongside the silken gown that is not mine.

I drop my skeleton, dead weight like copper, silver, gold.

I forget my name amongst the names of all who loved or wronged me.

I close my glowing, inhuman eyes for one last time - I no longer need them.

Death spreads its wings as it dives into the first midnight of the pristine city, already having a mark.

“Mother.” It croaks in a voice that almost feels borrowed and embraces the monster a girl once created. “Time to go home.”

Desire - to gain mastery over death.
Cost - she loses her own existence and would exist only where and when there is death.

Comforter of Souls

I sit within the void. There is no sound, there is no touch, no sensation at all in fact. Not truly. But this is what I have chosen. My only companion is one that I cannot really speak with, though that may soon change. I understand now, far better than I did when I came to this place, what it is that I must do. The world is a cruel place and I have seen some of the things it can inflict on people. Perhaps I can provide some final comfort to those the world has left behind.

Desire - to become one with the void, to provide comfort to the souls passing through.
Cost - to become unable to interact with the real world, and only to a limited extent with the souls coming from there.

eternity/wish.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/05 10:08 by gm_cynthia