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Travel highlights!!!

Bye bye new Sanctuary, onto new heights, Beastie lead us to wherever you want.

Plains, plains, village, plains, village, mountain! Caliban and Carneades says this is their fancy mountain, we shall see.

It was a kinda fancy mountain, we didn't stay too long, mainly ruined, onto the next.

Carneades cashed out the favour to make me go to a forest? I wonder what awaits us there (Caliban is wondering off to do deep one stuff)

So, Carneades really likes these monkeys. He's gonna stay with them for a month… that should be fun, onto greener pastures for Impetus tho

Beastie has been taking me to some fun towns, lots of nice people there I've been playing Risk. Lovely to not let my Risk skills get too rusty. I wonder where Beastie will take me next…

I've been journeying a long time now, Beastie has taken me to this quiet village. I wouldn't normally spend too much time here, but apparently there's a wolf nearby that kills everything that goes near it…. this sounds like something fun for Impetus to investigate.

An old friend

There's a campfire near the village. You decide to investigate one night, see if you can find this mysterious death wolf.

“Hey hey hey” You beckon as you approach the fire.

There's lots of rummaging, you can't see too far in the darkness.

“Stay back, stay back, you'll get hurt if you come any closer!” says the voice that comes from the shadow near the fire.

“Is that referencing a certain death wolf?” You can't place it, but you have strong memories of an old friend involved with wolves. Is this…

“It can't stop itself, it's out of its control. Please, leave it be.” The voice turns to nearly begging.

“Oh don't worry, I'm just here as a friend. I have my own deadly animal following me around.” Beastie takes a few steps forward. “I'm just here to say hello, my name is Impetus”

“Impetus? That's a name I haven't heard since the evacuation” The voice takes a few steps forward into the campfire light. It's Remus. He's human! This shocks you at first, but after a few moments to think about it, you don't know why, you can't remember any reason why Remus wouldn't be human.“

“Very nice to see you Remus, I believe we've got a lot of catching up to do. Firstly, how does one acquire a death wolf”

“Ha, that's a long story which I'm a bit blurry on myself. You better take a seat, away from Ash.” You only now notice the little wolf pup sitting across from the campfire, furiously wagging its tail looking at you.

You both take a seat, and talk about everything, staying until the sun comes up and then some more.


You arrive back at the Sanctuary. Just as you do, the week of Freedom begins and you get your memories back. You're not too concerned about your own memories, but this does remind you to check on someone: Tern. They must be going through a lot right now if they've also got their memories back, and even without that you're curious to find out how they found the last 3 years. You knock on the door of where they lived last time you were here and you await a response.

A familiar face answers the door.

“So, are you living for yourself now?”, you ask inquisitively.

They smile.

“Of course, all thanks to you” Tern responds. They reach out their arms, and you respond by hugging them.

“It's good to see you again, Tern.”

“You too Impetus, it's been too long, how have the travels been? Oh, and a gift!” They lead you in and find a small pouch. You grin as it opens to reveal a set of fine metal dice. “I made them myself.” They smile.

“This is lovely! Well, the travels were as chaotic as can be expected, Carneades started a monkey cult, Caliban's exploring the world, and I even bumped into an old friend of ours.”

“You mean…”

“Remus. He's alive, and he's outside the Sanctuary right now.”

eternity/impetus.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/05 10:04 by gm_cynthia