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It's nearly midnight. You can't risk losing magic. Write it down, write as much down as you can remember. How to Enhance, how to Shape, how to Reality Bend. You write down everything you think could be important, and then some more. As midnight approaches, your scribbles become more and more furious, but you're getting everything down. This.. this journal shall survive as the memory of magic, you will not let it die here.

The clock strikes midnight. You blink. You look down at the journal on your desk. Have you just been writing this? It's entirely unfinished, and you seem to be jumping all around the place. You try and make sense of what you've written.

“You will read this in the future and regard it as a work of fiction.” Scribbles “Not the way cities usually work, let alone gorgeous cities?” Scribbles. “show Demonica this vision.” Scribbles. “Spend the next three years writing poetry, painting, and trying to build the kind of community you want to live in.” Scribbles. “make one if it doesn't.” Scribbles. Scribbles. Scribbles.

You're only now just realising how tired you were, it's been a long day. This exhaustion probably explains the mostly illegible journal, you can't think of why else you would've written something like this. Oh well, you'll sleep on it and start tomorrow afresh and rested.


Dancing, celebration, beauty, grace. It is the week of freedom, and magical communes are thriving across the world. In this one, all sorts of beautiful enchanted wildlife creatures scamper across the ground, undoubtedly inspiring the tapestry workers who are in the middle of making a grand moving tapestry surmising the village's history. A few houses down, there's a poetry circle. They're using magic to bring their poems to life, a moving picture imbuing all the spectators with a new depth of emotions.

This is not the only village celebrating like this. Nay, most settlements in the world use this glorious week to celebrate life, beauty, and most importantly, magic. Doing the impossible in a click of your fingers, solving all your family's problems with a second thought. This is our reality now, we don't have to worry anymore, it's all going to be okay.

Perhaps the most beautiful sight of all are the jeweled birds. In one village, there is a lady surrounded surrounded by poetry, art, and wildlife. She is using Reality Bend to conjure the most beautiful, glamourous, and brilliant gemstone birds. Despite their hard exterior, they fly without worry and are very friendly. They perch on her soldiers, grateful to her for giving them existence. Soon enough, they fly away to make more people happy. Their shimmering jewels can be spotted for miles away if the sun is at the right angle. Truly an enchanting sight.

The end, for now

Evie's diary:

It's… over. Magic is back to how it was. Sacrifices resumed and chaos awoke. It took several large spells before people were convinced there was a sacrifice, and by the time people had been convinced the damage was already dealt. Minimal casualties, but the village is ablaze now. They are calling the past week the Week of Freedom, does this mean that our Freedom is over, we are back to suffering along with magic as we did back in the Sanctuary?

No, it shall not be like this. Using the creativity of those around me, we will Reality Bend a new village. 10 times more beautiful than before, we will use magic carefully and sensibly to create a beautiful artists commune. It will not be quick, nor will it be easy. But my friends and I have experienced the wonders of a free community, and we won't let it go now. This is not the end.


Well, we're making some progress. It is a lot slower and lot less pretty than I had envisioned, but we're pushing each other through. There has been much sacrifice and much loss to have, but that only makes us stronger. We continue going, so that we may create a safe, beautiful, and magical environment for all to live happily. My dream will become reality, I will not have it any other way.

A few have given up. They sympathise with the Custodians of Reality, they do not believe that magic can cause more good than harm. They are wrong, they have been blinded. You and your fellow artists will prove them wrong. There is nothing magic cannot accomplish, your dream is evidence: they lived in such harmony. You deserve such harmony, your friends deserve such harmony. We've been Reality Bending for days now, but we will continue going until we go back to how we were in the Week of Freedom: happy.

From here on, the hand writing becomes very messy

More… Reality Bends… we need more.. we're so close, the village… we need to sacrifice more.. just a little bit… more.

There's a scruffy sketch of shining birds flying in a village


They came back… I knew they would come back…

There's a break for a few pages, before one final message

It's beautiful, just like in the Week of Freedom. Thank you Evie - a fellow artist and friend.

eternity/evie.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/05 10:03 by gm_cynthia