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introduction [2022/04/28 22:42]
gm_connor created
introduction [2022/05/07 22:14] (current)
gm_ivan [Ad Nauseam]
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-====== Introduction ======+====== Ad Nauseam ======
-==== Herehere, I humbly request your attention. You have been invited to a banquet hosted by myself, the mighty archmage. People from all around the sanctuary will come to feast and join us in this night of celebration. I certainly hope there'no bickering... Oh well, I'm sure all will be eased when I make my speech. Come one, come all for a night where time stands still!  ====+// By order of NullapretiumArchmage and Guardian of Magic — Founder of our Sanctuary \\ 
 +                    You have been cordially invited to the annual Banquet \\ 
 +                                At the Manor of the Archmage \\ 
 +                               Starting 19:00, Midsummer'Eve//
-Ad Nauseum is a game set in the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary was made by the Archmage long agoas refuge for mages to protect them against the outside world, where tensions against magic are rising. The reason? Magic in this world is governed by equivalent exchangeIf you want something, then there must be an equal sacrifice. In fact, magic itself is only awoken in someone after a traumatic event we call a rapture (called rupture by some)There are people who actively cause raptures to awaken more magic in the world, consequently leading to more magic, more sacrificesHaving already had your rapture, how much are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?+Welcome to the world of //Ad Nauseam//! The GM team hope that you will enjoy exploring the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]]and welcome you to submit [[|character creation sheet]] if you want to jump in. Please feel free to shoot any questions to [[|Ad Nauseam GM team]].
-Tonight though, you go to the Banquet, to have some nice food and schmooze amongst some interesting characters. Oh no, the Archmage is rushing off, I wander where they could be going to...+----
-Tonight though, you go to the Banquet, to have some nice food and... wait a minute, haven'we already been here?+===== Schedule ===== 
 +Here's the planned schedule for Ad Nauseam (note the break in weeks 8 and 9 for exams). Every session is planned to take place at 7:00pm for three hours. 
 +^ Session      ^ Date       ^  
 +| Character creation | Saturday 7th May |  
 +| Session 1 | Tuesday 10th May  |  
 +| Session 2 | Tuesday 17th May  |  
 +| Session 3 | Tuesday 24th May  |  
 +| Session 4 | Tuesday  31st May |  
 +| Session 5 | Tuesday 7th June  |  
 +| Session 6 | Tuesday 28th June  |  
 +| Debrief    | Tuesday 5th July | 
 +===== Premise =====  
 +// Ad Nauseam // is a game about a city called the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]]. The [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]] is a city for magesincluding yourself. It is a safe refuge for everyone to practice magic or just try and live a normal life, away from the judging eyes of the non-magical world outside. There are variations of [[Magic|magic skills]] in this world, but there is one fundamental rule: equivalent exchange. If you wish to gain something, you must sacrifice something of equal value. The paths that mages walk in this world often represent their view on how much they are willing to sacrifice. 
 +//Ad Nauseam// aims to give the player a world to explore this ideaalongside many others. You start at the [[Setting#The_Banquet|Archmage's banquet]], where there will inevitably be disputes between citizens of the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]], and it will be up to you to decide how to proceed. If you make a mistake on your first go, worry not as //Ad Nauseam// is set in a [[the_time_loop|Time Loop]]. This means that you will have chances to make amends, test limits, and discover things which normally you wouldn't be able to. 
 +We aim to provide something for every player in //Ad Nauseam//, and hope that being stuck in a looping [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]] for a while allows you to try some of everything. 
 +===== Game format ===== 
 +//Ad Nauseam// will take place in 3 parts: 
 +  * **Uptime** in which players roleplay their characters’ interactions and describe their actions over Discord text channels in real timeThis will include the opportunity to participate in short, GM-moderated adventures 
 +  * **Downtime**, which consists of: 
 +    * **Emails**,  using the game's email system, in which players may continue to communicate after Uptime has ended until an hour before the Turnsheet deadline This may be used for last minute planning before writing Turnsheetsas well as any other communication or roleplay players wish to engage in.  Players are asked to not use any other means for IC communication during downtime, as GMs are able to read all emails sent via this system.  This is important for the moderation of the game. 
 +    * **Turnsheets**, in which players submit a summary of what they plan to achieve during Downtime to the wiki. This will be read by the GM team who will provide a written response before the next session.  
 +  * If you have never used Discord before, we suggest reading [[discord_basics|Discord Basics]] 
 +  * For specifics on our use of Discord for uptime, see [[uptime_on_discord|Uptime on Discord]] 
 +  * For details on turnsheets, see [[downtime_email_and_turnsheet|Downtime, Emails and Turnsheets]] 
 +===== How to Navigate the Wiki ===== 
 +==== A Note to New Players ==== 
 +An important first thing to note if you're a new player: you don'need to read this entire website! 
 +There's a lot of material here, and you certainly don't need to know all of it to start playing. Read only what interests you and what's relevant to a character you might like to play - you will find a guide to sections of the website and what they tell you below. 
 +As GMs, we would be delighted to have any new players on board, and would like to reassure you that being new should be no barrier to participation! You are always more than welcome to [[|email the GM Team]] with any questions or concerns you may have, and we are certain that older players will also be happy to provide any guidance once //Ad Nauseam// is underway. We hope you enjoy! 
 +===== Where Next===== 
 +**Pages under 'Welcome' in the sidebar offer quick access to out-of-character information.**   
 +  * If you are unsure of any of the words used on this wiki, you can consult the [[Glossary]] 
 +  * For a better grasp of our vision for the game, the tone we intend to set, and the key themes of the game, please see [[tone_and_style|Tone and Style]] 
 +**Pages under 'Lore' in the sidebar feature more flavourful, descriptive text** and are designed to tell you more about the world that //Ad Nauseam// takes place in. A good place to start would be... 
 +  * [[Setting]], to get the general vibe of the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]] 
 +  * [[Factions]], to have a look at the various social groups in the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]] 
 +**Pages under 'Mechanics' will describe the finer details of in-game interactions**, including important information for character creation, such as the list of [[Quirks|Quirks]] available and how [[Magic]] works. 
 +**Pages under 'Playing the Game' in the sidebar feature rules text** and are designed to explain how to the game will run. 
 +**If you want to get straight to submitting a character, [[character_creation|Character Creation]]** offers a crash course on creating your character. 
-Maybe not everything is as it seems here, you could try investigating, seems like you've got a lot of time on your hand. Alternatively, if this doesn't seem like a you problem you are free to interact with the Sanctuary how you wish. Bicker about politics, get involved in a gang war, or just settle down on a nice patch of farmland below a floating house. 
-The Sanctuary is every mage's refuge, you better make the most of it. 
introduction.1651185760.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/28 22:42 by gm_connor