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introduction [2022/05/07 19:12]
gm_ivan [Ad Nauseam]
introduction [2022/05/07 22:14] (current)
gm_ivan [Ad Nauseam]
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                                Starting 19:00, Midsummer's Eve//                                Starting 19:00, Midsummer's Eve//
-Welcome to the world of //Ad Nauseam//! The GM team hope that you will enjoy exploring the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]], and welcome you to submit a [[|character creation sheet]] if you want to jump in. Please feel free to shoot any questions to [[|Ad Nauseam GM team]].+Welcome to the world of //Ad Nauseam//! The GM team hope that you will enjoy exploring the [[Setting#The_Sanctuary|Sanctuary]], and welcome you to submit a [[|character creation sheet]] if you want to jump in. Please feel free to shoot any questions to [[|Ad Nauseam GM team]].
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introduction.1651950732.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/05/07 19:12 by gm_ivan