Table of Contents

Example Characters

Example 1

Character Name:

Felicia D'Ombre

Character Pronouns:


Greatest desire:

A mansion of luxury in the quiet countryside, full of riches, free from other people

Greatest possession:

A large, black cloak, very second-hand but patched up plenty of times. Passed down from Mother to Daughter, a family heirloom

View on magic:

I'm used to sacrifices in my life, if I get a bit of reward from that, I'm not complaining.

Talent Quirks:

Pickpocket (+), Dark secret (-), Escape Artist (+), Please, tell me more (-)

DIY Quirks:

Keepsake (+): a well equipped sewing kit, allowing one to sow shut tears in clothes and skin alike

Affiliation Quirks:

Grounder (+ AND -)

Playstyle Quirks:

No sacrifice too great (0), Who would love someone (0)

Private Bio:

My mother and I grew up together, as was the way my mother grew up, and the way her mother grew up. We lived in a busy district in a city. I wanted to help put food on the table, so I started watching the local pickpockets, see how they make their living. I was a fast learner, in not too much time I was putting as much on the table as my mum. Then I got caught. Except mum didn't let that happen, she took all the blame herself, said she was using me as a decoy against my will. That was the last time I saw her; it was my Rupture. I had no other place to go, so I made my way to the Sanctuary.

In the Sanctuary I never got caught again. Especially in the inner city, all those arrogant floaters are very easy to steal from as they don't even know what's theirs. The Outer City is a bit more rough, but I make my way around. I make sure not to get seen, but if if do then I never get grabbed, never again. These people don't matter, there was one person who mattered to me and she's gone, so I'm gonna live a life without restrictions, as she would've wanted.

(DARK SECRET) I make mistakes. In my first couple weeks in the Sanctuary, I decided to put some floaters to sleep and raid their floating house. Unfortunately I put a little bit too much active substance and they never woke up. It was a surprise, sure, but it was never pinned to me. They never found any evidence, but the case was recently reopened. I'm not scared, but I won't get caught again, I'll die before that happens.

Sometimes when I walk along I see new pickpockets trying to get a start. It reminds me of my past. I usually help them out by making a distraction. I don't normally take sides, but I'm all for forcing the rich to give a little to the poor, then maybe I could've had a better life.

Public Bio:

You don't know me, if you do I advise you forget. I don't care much for conversation, but if you've got anything valuable in your pockets I may pretend to listen along until you're distracted. If you can help me do my work at this banquet however, I suppose we might be able to help each other out. The name is Felicia, and I think it's time we knocked these floaters down a peg or two.

Example 2

Character Name:


Character Pronouns:


Greatest desire:

To become the first omni-organism, an organism who contains parts of every living species

Greatest possession:

My eel arm, to show that magic is great enough to achieve anything if we apply correctly

View on magic:

Fantastic, brilliant, can't beat it, how else would I become a walking, beautiful monstrosity

Talent Quirks:

Half human, half eel (+ AND -), Nemesis (-), Gamer (+)

DIY Quirks:

A Talent (+): Historian: You know your stuff. You’ve been in the library for about as long as the librarian, studying away at the endless texts. You’re more likely to know about in game lore that happens around you.

Affiliation Quirks:

Floater (+ AND -)

Playstyle Quirks:

Fluff master (0)

Private Bio:

We look at the world around us, and we wonder, aren't things cool? Like that boulder right there, that's a real nice boulder. And a frog! Wouldn't it be cool if we all had frog legs, then we could jump super high. Might as well as add some bat wings whilst we're at it, maybe some zebra stripes, and elephant trunk… yes the perfect form awaits me.

I have always been interested in biology. Before my Rapture, I was an academic at a university. Now I want to be the perfect combination of all animals. My parents would be so proud with how I'm using my education.

As soon as I arrived in the Sanctuary, I was fascinated by all the applications of magic flying around me. It was then it struck me, this could be the perfect key to my research! So I started studying everyday in the library, learning everything that there was to learn about the history of magic (and there was a lot). After a while, I gained confidence and I was ready for my first experiment. I thought, why not start with the majestic electric snake of the ocean, the eel. And it was a success! Getting the help of a mage capable of Reality Bending, [Half Human, Half eel] my arm become the tail of an eel, able to apply an electric shock if I squeeze hard enough. Of course, I only have one hand now, but hands always were overrated.

Of course, I couldn't continue testing on myself yet, before I perfected the magic. I got my Reality Bending friend and I together, and we recruited a few lab assistants, to help with the… testing process. [Nemesis] Unfortunately, one of my assistants became quite distressed when their bottom half was replaced by a snake tail. I call them Slithers (affectionate), but for some reason they don't seem to like that name too much… They now make it their mission to make my life as inconvenient as possible. I wake up every morning to snake shedding on my lawn, tail shaped holes in my flowers and my tree on fire. Oh boy, Slithers and I do have fun.

Public Bio:

Some people call me a mad scientist. I prefer the term visionary. I see magic's true potential, what it can really be used for in this world: metamorphosis. You too can join me if you wish, start the path to enlightenment. That's why I'm at this banquet, looking for potential investors and/or test subjects to join me on my journey to complete science's greatest achievement. I'm sure everyone will be convinced when they see my eel arm.