Table of Contents

Discord Basics

Ad Nauseam will be played using Discord, a platform that’s sort of like Teamspeak and Facebook Messenger mashed into one. It has both voice and text capability, though this game will be conducted through text and not voice. The following is a basic guide on how to use Discord.

Getting on Discord

Here's a quick guide to joining the Ad Nauseam Discord server for the first time. For a definition of some of the terms used here, please see the Glossary.

  1. Create your character. Once approved, we'll email you a link to our Discord server.
  2. Sign up to Discord using an email account (this should be a personal address, not your IC email address). You can do this by downloading and installing the Discord desktop app, or by simply using the browser version.
  3. Click on the invite link that the GMs will have sent you by email (it'll look something like: and it will automatically give you the option to join the server.
  4. You can see all the servers that you are part of in the Discord sidebar on the left-hand side, where they will be represented by circular icons. Select the Ad Nauseam server from this sidebar.
  5. Once you've joined the server, right click on your name in the user sidebar on the right-hand side and select “Edit Server Profile”, and there should be an option for your server name. Change it to your character's name along with their preferred pronouns. Discord nicknames are not general IC knowledge, though your character will likely want to introduce themselves!
  6. You can change your profile picture by clicking the gear icon (User Settings) at the bottom of the channel sidebar on the left-hand side. This will take you to the 'My Account' tab where you can edit your username, password and profile picture. Like Discord nicknames, profile pictures will not be general IC knowledge, though they can be helpful for distinguishing who is talking.
  7. By left clicking on your name in the user sidebar, you can see which roles you have been given. These represent sets of access permissions that the GMs have given you. Discord roles do not exist IC and should not be used to gain information about other characters. They are instead used to represent your character's abilities, locations, equipment, and other things. If you think there is something wrong with your roles (e.g. you're missing one that you think you should have, or you have one but don't know what it means) feel free to ask a GM.

Message Types

This is a Discord text roleplaying game, which to those who haven’t tried it before can be strange. The following are helpful things to know whilst roleplaying on Discord:

Discord Roles

Discord makes use of 'roles' to allow an admin to easily control permissions such as access to hidden channels and the ability to send messages rather than simply reading them. You can see a user's roles by clicking on their profile picture: this is a strictly OC feature of the game, and should not be used to gain IC information about other characters (e.g. their whereabouts, alliances or abilities). Roles can also be assigned hierarchies and colours. A user's username or nickname on Discord will appear in the colour of their highest ranked role. This is useful for example to distinguish GMs from players.


Before playing this game, please be aware of the conventions we will be using. To avoid confusion, players must not use square brackets in IC interactions, as these should be reserved for important OC clarifications and safety calls.

The Most Important Thing to Remember

…is that it's not the end of the world if you're new to any or all of this! If you're unsure, you can always refer to this page or to the OC rules channel which will be set up on the server, or you can contact one of us (the GMs) privately if you'd like us to explain something in more detail. As GMs, we'll also be working out some technical difficulties, so you won't be alone! We hope you enjoy your Ad Nauseam experience, and we'll hopefully see you on the server very soon.

The use of OC knowledge to give your character an advantage