Table of Contents

News Turn 4

The Blue Jay Strikes Again!

Three days ago, the lady thief promised to relieve Nilsatis of their prized sapphire crown. And as is well known: when the Blue Jay makes a promise, she keeps it!
During this afternoon dozens of bystanders witnessed the sudden exit of the Blue Jay from Nilsatis' house in her typical, stylish, azure coat. Witnesses swear they saw the crown gleaming in her hand as she dodged and weaved between the three-dimensional structure of the sky-city, eventually jumping straight onto the Sun! It seems she is more daring than even her most devoted fans imagined! What could she have done on the Sun?

- Extract from The Winged Words

Daily life in the military

Jackson is known to many as the glue of the Sanctuary. Many grounders believe that the Sanctuary would fall apart without his leadership in the military. What does Jackson’s daily life look like though? We had a journalist spend a whole day with Jackson to get the inside scoop:

6:00am, wake up
7:00am, start admin of replying to letters
7:30am, meets with mysterious hunter we believe is called Caliban
8:00am, meeting with Frank about preventing crime in the Outer Sanctuary
9:00am, daily rounds of the Outer Sanctuary
12:00pm, lunch, home grown beet sandwich
1:00pm, daily rounds of the Inner Sanctuary
4:00pm, meeting with Tom to gauge the situation at the perimeter
4:30pm, hands over some barrels to Tom
5:00pm, sending out the final letters of the day, mainly complains about floating houses
6:30pm, dinner, home grown vegetable ratatouille
8:00pm, either a peaceful night or visiting the Level Head

-Extract from In The Loop

A Flying House!

Earlier today a large mansion was seen floating up and out of the Sanctuary. Drunken shouts were reported to have come form the house as it floated upwards and into the clouds. Some house-watching bystanders claim that they saw the house falling down in the distance, but upon further investigation it was discovered that it was in fact a fly that had smashed into the bystander's window and fallen down. Our current theory is that someone finally decided that to beat the height record of the Archmage's tower - a first in history. We anxiously await what the response of the Archmage will be.

-Extract from The Winged Words

Fashion, what to and what not to wear to a Banquet

We all know the Archmage’s banquet is coming up, which means there’s another chance to flaunt your wardrobe to some of the biggest names in the Sanctuary. By following our advice, you’ll be so dazzling even Nullapretium will have no choice but to submit in total awe and admiration. Step 1: NO DEEP CIRCUSES: Frankly the fad has gone on too long and whoever keeps trying to bring it back should be arrested for desecration of fashion. Sure I can understand Deep. Sure Circus is a nice look for some. But Deep AND Circus TOGETHER - hard pass. Step 2: RECONNAISSANCE: Do you want to look like a fool? Do you want to be a fool? No you do not. That's why you should snoop around the banquet beforehand and eat a few of those delicious banquet grapes. You'll have so much in common with all the other non-fools! Step 3: GOLD IS THE NEW GOLD: Chrysus has been a big part of our community (even if she keeps ignoring our banquet invitations), so what better way to celebrate her than to wear actual gold? And no, we don't mean your crappy last century gold robes - get your gold bars, get your gold coins, get your gold chandelier and wear it.

- Extract from the Winged words

Reconnaissance mission

Early this morning at 6:00 am four hunters were seen leaving the safety of the Sanctuary and heading off into the distant forest. Fen and Hen refused to comment on their mission, only saying that they were: “Absolutely insane, especially with the recent increase in monster attacks”. When we asked Tom for an explanation, he responded that: “Those brave Hunters have gone off on a vital reconnaissance mission in order to determine a possible cause for the recent increase in attacks. We are expecting a large wave of monsters to arrive this evening and their intel may be vital to dealing with it. I ask that civilians stay away from the Sanctuary walls today and any experienced mages willing to help come see me in my hut”. A worrying warning from a respected figure - expect tonight to be quite turbulent.

-Extract from In The Loop

A New Trend in Healthy Lifestyle?

Throughout the day, a large crowd has formed near the Central Square, seemingly there to perform some kind of exercise routine. When questioned, they say they belong to a “Work Together Movement” and that they are here to be “united” and “kind” and “peaceful”. While some passerbys have commented on the strangeness of the situation and one has raised a complaint against the guitar player, the group seems harmless enough and their methods of exercise rather intriguing. One of our reporters have gone in undercover to find out just how effective their workout truly is!

-Extract from The Winged Words

The Deep Circus is recruiting!

Please see the attached flyer for more information.

 Hi. Sophie here. You may have seen me around. You may have enjoyed my last two poems, also published in Deep Circus flyers. Those of you who 
 remember the last few days, at any rate… We're living in a time loop. Some of you won't remember this, but it's true. The Archmage has 
 messed up royally and we only have a few more cycles before… the end. I don't know what that looks like, but I don't think it looks good. 
 And in the midst of all this… I have discovered the Deep Circus. The real one. Not the aesthetic, not the readership of these pamphlets… an 
 actual circus, deep down, at the bottom of the spiral. And… apparently they can make us immortal. I know what you're thinking, sounds like 
 the first level of a cult initiation scheme. But please keep reading. I'm not clowning around. I think the Deep Circus have the ability to 
 let us step outside the cycles. To survive… whatever's coming. But. I'm not sure this is a way without a cost. The one I met… they were a 
 skeleton, and they seemed very jaded. They said immortality was a curse, and not something they wanted to share widely. They'd only share it 
 with somebody able to put on a show… provide a performance… that makes feels genuinely fresh and exciting to them. I do not necessarily 
 think this is the right path for everyone to follow; think carefully about if you really want it. But for those who choose it I do believe 
 it offers one way out of the end we're facing in a few days, if a far from perfect one. There are other things going on, attempts to stop 
 the cycle, and those may well succeed. But I think, for those of us who've often thought about immortality and believe they could make it 
 meaningful… it's something to really consider. Those who wish to follow this path should find me at the Banquet for a discussion. I have a 
 plan as to how a greater number of people could all gain immortality together: if we find a new approach to collaborative performance or 
 storytelling. Something that feels fresh and makes the case for all of us as a unit. I'm attaching something we could use as a starting 
 point. It is part of the Sub-Creation, a work I have been undertaking for a long time now. The dream-construction of a new world, nestled 
 inside our own. A Sublime Spiral of layers, oddly similar to the hellish spiral we now find ourselves in in reality. I think having a 
 foundation like this could provide a starting point for more spontaneous creativity from everyone involved, rather than us all having to 
 work from a blank slate, given that we only have a few days.

-In the ad section of every newspaper