Table of Contents

Sample Turnsheet


Here you can indicate which of the 3 Quirks proposed by the GMs you have chosen to obtain: Perceptive+

Major Action


What would you like to do and what do you want to achieve: Explore the abandoned floating mansion for clues of the missing mages. Find and help the mages if possible, try to figure out what's behind the disappearances.


How you plan to do this, any private plans if this is a group action and possible contingencies. Please try and keep this brief but clear. It would also be useful to list these in chronological order

Relevant Spells/Quirks/Items

list the quirks that would be relevant to this action, as well as any planned use of magic. If you do not let us know, we may not assume you have the ability to execute the action.

Other players/NPCs involved

Who is doing this with you

Minor Actions

Here you can detail any small notable actions you perform in downtime, note that you will have a relatively small impact in any actions that you minor and will receive no more than a sentence of write up for them