To Govern a Sanctuary

What does a successful settlement need to thrive?

Well, first things things, a sustainable source of food and water must be established. The new Hunters were responsible for this. Given the isolated location of the new Sanctuary coupled with Cassandra's guard, the Hunters as defenders of the Sanctuary weren't necessary anymore. Instead, they become hunter-gatherers. Sending out expeditions with the sole goal of finding resources, it wasn't long before they found several oasis not far from the Sanctuary. A good source of water meant they were able to start farming as well. Whilst their role changed significantly, the Hunters were still well respected by the citizens for their crucial role in providing resources.

Then, we need internal management. Rumours have it, Opularia is behind that. She gathered a group of the new Sanctuary's most important people and forced them to cooperate. Or else, they would have Cassandra, the one who kills all they touch, to answer to. This worked a charm, and there was minimal political bickering and instead lots of helpful cooperation. Of course, this is all hearsay. Officially the new Sanctuary has no leader. Yet this rumour never seems to die…

Unfortunately, there will always be those wanting to cause more harm than good. This is why the Military continued to function. The absence of magic made the Military's life a lot easier, so Jackson refused to cooperate with the Mafia any longer and instead made the Military the sole face of justice inside the Sanctuary. The fact that apparently Chysus had paid an unfriendly visit to the Mafia headquarter not long after the founding of the new Sanctuary may have made this significantly easier. The fact that “Big Frank” 1) died at Cassandra's hand five days in probably also made this significantly easier. Within the next 3 years, the Mafia inherited from the old Sanctuary would completely dissolve and the Military would slowly become a happy face rather than active peacekeepers.

Of course, any structure and rhythm gets challenged when magic is introduced. The Week of Freedom brought around much chaos, especially since those in the Sanctuary regained their old memories. Once again, the Sanctuary was split into those who believed magic was right, and those who deemed it immoral, even during the Week of Freedom. And so, the Custodians of Reality were founded anew. This time with a new face at the helm, Rennyn the Wanderer… With Opularia pulling her strings and Cassandra's presence always looming, the Custodian activities in the New Sanctuary have been mostly restrained. But their influence has been spreading far beyond the borders of the Sanctuary as their sentiment was echoed by many who lost much during the Apocalypse and the calamities that followed…

in the end remembered less for his formidable criminality and more for having an unfortunate habit of running head-first into very powerful mages