======Crises====== ====Turn 2==== 4:45 - Some items fall from floating house\\ 7:00 - Minor monster attack\\ 9:30 - Fight broken up by military officers\\ 12:00 - A small earthquake, no damage to anything except a small garden collapsed into the ground not too far from the Level Head\\ 15:30 - Custodian cuts floating house loose\\ 16:00 - Rumours of public assault by a mage\\ 16:30 - Thug assaults debtor, nothing is taken\\ 17:15 - Fight at bar, both perpetrators kicked out by Edith\\ 17:30 - Commotion from Outer City near the Central Square, died down very soon, no idea what it was about\\ ====Turn 3==== 4:45 - Some items fall from floating house\\ 7:00 - Minor monster attack\\ 9:30 - Fight broken up by military officers\\ 12:00 - A small earthquake, no damage to anything except a small garden collapsed into the ground not too far from the Level Head\\ 12:20 - An underground military expedition\\ 15:30 - Custodian cuts floating house loose, people jumping onto the Sun\\ 16:00 - Rumours of public assault by a mage\\ 16:30 - Thug assaults debtor, nothing is taken\\ 17:15 - Fight at bar, both perpetrators kicked out by Edith\\ 17:30 - Commotion from Outer City near the Central Square, died down very soon, no idea what it was about\\ 18:20 - Mob gathering outside the Archmage's Mansion, causes property damage\\ ====Turn 4==== 9:30 - Fight broken up by military officers\\ 12:00 - A small earthquake, no damage to anything except a small garden collapsed into the ground not too far from the Level Head\\ 15:30 - Custodian commotion at Central Square\\ 16:00 - Rumours of public assault by a mage\\ 16:30 - Thug assaults debtor, nothing is taken\\ 16:40 - A house flies outside the Sanctuary and is not seen again\\ 17:15 - Fight at bar, both perpetrators kicked out by Edith\\ 17:30 - Commotion from Outer City near the Central Square, died down very soon, no idea what it was about\\ 18:20 - A large group of people have gathered around the Central Square and the Archmage's Mansion doing yoga.\\ ====Turn 4==== 9:30 - Fight broken up by military officers\\ 12:00 - A small earthquake, no damage to anything except a small garden collapsed into the ground not too far from the Level Head\\ 13:00 - A big earthquake, a significant portion of the city is damaged, with the Central Square having collapsed completely. Some casaulties reported. \\ 15:00 - A group of amateur dramatists put on a performance of //The Princess and the Beetle//. Some chaos ensues as some passerbys express significant dislike of the performance. \\ 17:15 - Fight at bar, both perpetrators kicked out by Edith\\ 18:20 - A large group of people have gathered around the city doing interpretive free style dance.\\ ====Turn 6==== 9:30 - Fight broken up by military officers\\ 12:00 - A small earthquake, no damage to anything except a small garden collapsed into the ground not too far from the Level Head\\ 12:30 - A notice for the evacuation of the Sanctuary is made in the central square\\ 15:00 - A small crowd gathers to share poetry with each other\\ 17:00 - A crowd gathers in the central square, chanting something\\ 17:15 - Fight at bar, both perpetrators kicked out by Edith\\ 18:45 - Chaos in the central square as various monsters suddenly appear\\