====== Character Progression ====== Under normal circumstances these abilities would take years to learn. But these are not normal circumstances. You will experience things that very few other mages may boast having encountered and will 'live' (at least in the short-term) to tell the tale. As such, you get to go on a bit of an accelerated course in [[Quirks#Talent_quirks|life skills]] and [[Magic#Spells|magic]]. ==== Spell progression ==== Players will start off only being able to use [[Magic#Enhancement|Enhancement]]. Over the course of the game, characters can perform actions that can help them gain new [[magic#spells|Spells]], like [[Magic#shaping|Shaping]]. The exact method to gain a new [[magic#spells|Spell]] generally involves gaining a deeper understanding of magic and the law of equivalence. This can be achieved in 2 ways: studying magic and loss, or experiencing it. Players may have to work towards such a goal across multiple sessions and will be informed by GMs through their turnsheets when they succeed in gaining a new [[magic#spells|Spell]]. ==== Quirk progression ==== Players will start off with only a few [[quirks|Quirks]], but will be able to gain more through out the game. Your character will gain a new positive [[quirks|Quirk]], representing their growth in skill and knowledge. Due to the nature of the time loop, these quirks will largely be mental in nature. A GM will contact you via email before **Wednesday midnight** with a list of three positive [[quirks|Quirks]], chosen for their (relative) relatedness to your character's actions in this time-loop (both during uptime and downtime), and you may choose one of them as your character advancement. There will be a place in your turnsheet for you to state your choice (and clarify the [[Quirks|Quirk]] if necessary). The [[Quirks|Quirk]] comes into effect immediately and can be called upon in your turnsheet actions. These [[Quirks|Quirks]] are permanent additions to your character's repertoire.